Kelly-Erin Ketchen
Kelly-Erin Ketchen
became a Licensed Life Insurance Broker
(LLQP)and a Bank On Yourself Professional in
2013 and shortly after that, joined the
MacDev Financial team. Having experienced
the financial flexibility the Bank On
Yourself method provides firsthand, Kelly
now teaches and empowers her clients on how
to implement Bank On Yourself in their own
lives so they can gain financial control and
create a safe and secure nest egg for later
When Kelly is not
highlighting the benefits of the BOY method
to potential clients, she works in direct
partnership with mortgage brokers and real
estate agents to educate new homeowners on
the use of life insurance, disability
insurance, and critical illness insurance as
a replacement for mortgage insurance sold
through the banks.
Kelly completed a
Bachelor in English in 1993 and a Bachelor
of Education in 1995 from the University of
British Columbia. She spent several years as
an elementary teacher, managing large
classes with diverse students. This
professional experience honed her people and
problem-solving skills and provided a
wonderful foundation to build up her career
as a Life Insurance Broker. She has
incorporated these valuable teaching skills
to educate adults on how to better manage
their money and explore different financial
opportunities they may not be aware of.
In her downtime,
Kelly enjoys spending time with her family,
scrapbooking and card making. She was a
great asset to her daughters' Irish dance
competitions as a fundraiser and organizer.
In addition, she also served as
Vice-President for IDOSS, the Irish Dance
Organization for Steel School, where her
daughters attended classes and actively
engaged in national and international
competitions. She also volunteered for her
son's air cadet troop, spending one year as
part of the Parent Committee. Now that her
children are older, she finds her time
filled with hanging out with her two dogs,
Lady Millie-Molly of Snodgrass and Luna the
Magnificent Moon Baby. She is also excited
to be working with Michele on some other
entrepreneurial ventures.
Did you
* She has been a
Spark leader and a Brownie leader for her
* She is an avid movie fan.
* She has travelled extensively through
Ireland and the United Kingdom and even
lived in Ireland for a short time while in
* She devised a brochure that
highlights the benefits of using life,
disability and critical illness as a
value-added form of mortgage insurance over
traditional, bank-sold, mortgage insurance.
* Kelly is a past Vice President of the ESS
English Students Society at the University
of British Columbia.