Secure - Seminar Registration Form
24th National Advisor Conference Niagara Falls
Wyndham Grand, September 14, 15 & 16 2025

Your Information


Have you attended one of our National Advisors Conferences before?  

Canadian Insurance Participant Registry (CIPR#) If you have one.  


Address            City     

Province       Postal Code    

Business Phone  Home/Cell Phone

 Your Email Address 

I will be staying at the Wyndham Grand

Will you be attending In-Person or viewing the Live Webcast?

If you are registering for a guest, please fill in this information:

1st Guest Name - For name badge:       2nd Guest Name - For name badge:



Hotel Corporate room rates will be $169 for checking in Sunday Sept. 14 to Wednesday Sept. 17, 2025 - 1 King bed, or 2 queen beds City view rooms.

The special corporate rate for Saturday Sept. 13, 2025 is $289 for 1 King bed, or 2 queen beds City view rooms Triple/Quad occupancy please add another $15 per person (only if over the age of 18)

Wyndham Grand Special Accommodation rates Room rates are subject to HST of 13% & Municipal Accommodation Tax (MAT) of $2.00 per room. NO additional TIF or DMC fees will be added to the above room rates.  All the above posted rates include free in room wi-fi access and a welcome package at check-in with discounted dining vouchers to various onsite and nearby restaurants and attractions.    

You can either book using the "Book My Room" online portal, or by calling the Wyndham at - 800-363-3255 (between 8:00am and midnight) and request the Pro-Seminars Conference block of rooms.

You MUST book your accommodation prior to August 12, 2025. After this date room rates will be at the current rate.

The Hotel Accommodation fine print: Any reservation cancelled after the cutoff date will be charged one night's room rate plus taxes. No cancellations will be accepted within 72 hours of the check-in date. In the event that you do cancel within 72 hours of the check-in date, full charges will apply for the confirmed length of the stay. Early departures will be charged for their confirmed length of stay.

How Much Does it Cost to Attend?

SPECIAL EARLY BIRD "LIVE" IN-PERSON CONFERENCE FEE - Applies to all registrations received and paid in full by August 1, 2025.

If you stay at the conference hotel, (Wyndham Grand), the "LIVE" in-person conference registration fee is only $299.00 + taxes. If you are staying elsewhere or book through a third party (Expedia, etc), the Conference fee is $349.00+ taxes.

REGULAR "LIVE" IN-PERSON CONFERENCE FEE - Applies to all registrations received and paid for after August 1, 2025 If you stay at the conference hotel, (Wyndham Grand) the "LIVE" in-person conference registration fee is only $349.00+ taxes.

If you are staying elsewhere or book through a third party (Expedia, etc), the Conference fee is $399.00+ taxes.

SPECIAL NON-LICENCED GUEST REGISTRATION FEE (no CE is provided) - If you choose to bring a guest, the "LIVE" in-person conference registration fee is $100 + taxes. 

SPECIAL "LIVE" WEBINAR CONFERENCE FEE - If you choose to watch the conference via "LIVE" webinar, the registration fee is $249.00 + taxes regardless of when you register.

Questions? Type anything you need help with in the box below.


Payment Information  

I will mail my payment       I will send my payment by ICS


Send "E-Transfers" to - No password necessary!

To Pay by Cheque, Mail or ICS send cheques to:

203-4438 Ontario Street
Beamsville, ON L3J 0A4


Credit Card payment  
I will pay by credit card (Visa and Mastercard only please)     
Credit card information

Card Number (No Spaces)                 
Expiry Date   20

CVV2 #   (3 Digit Code on the back of your Credit Card)

Type 1234 in the box to the right then click Submit Form:  



The fine print

NO CASH refunds after August 1, 2025. We will allow you to substitute your registration for someone else, or we will carry a credit for you to use at any future Pro-Seminars function or service.This Credit will be valid for 12 months from your refund request date. All written request for refunds received prior to August 1, 2025 are subject to a $50 administration fee.

cializing in 2-day 15 CE credit seminars and online CE courses.

203-4438 Ontario Street, Beamsville, ON Canada L3J 0A4

Toll Free Phone 877 524-7121 Toll Free Fax - 866 277-4511

This web site Copyright © Pro-Seminars (2022) Ltd.